
Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Diabetes can be a tough disease to handle. There are many reasons for it, firstly, causes of the disease are not clearly known, it is difficult to prevent. Secondly, once you get the disease, it is not possible to cure the same and you need to take care of your health for entire life. This task can be quite daunting; here are a few tips to help you.

Diabetic Care Tips

If you have diabetes, you need to take some precautions, in your day to day life as well and not only at those times, when you feel sick. Here are some precautions that you can take in your everyday life:

* You should monitor your blood glucose level regularly. Depending on the severity of your condition, your doctor would tell you about the intervals, in which you should take the test.
* You should take regular doses of medicine or insulin, as have been prescribed.
* Regular exercise proves to be useful in controlling glucose levels. However, you should avoid few exercises, that are known to cause further complications like cardiovascular diseases, hypoglycemia etc.
* In case your glucose level drops suddenly during or after exercise, you should consume a fruit juice or some similar drink that provides you with sugar.
* Weight reduction is a key of success in managing diabetes; hence take all the measures of carb control, what you can.

In case you are suffering from any ailment like flu, cold or any other disease or infection, some extra precautions need to be taken, to avoid further complications by diabetes:

* Check your blood sugar level more frequently, to ensure that no harm is being caused by diabetes.
* The illness may force some changes in your diet; consult your doctor/endocrinologist about the changes you need to make in your diabetes medicine accordingly.
* You should drink lots of water and other clear liquids.
* Remember not to cut yourself completely from food even if you are not experiencing hunger.
* Consult the doctor, if you feel abnormal in any manner. For example you may be feeling excessively sleepy, giddy, may have trouble with urination etc.

Even though diabetes is a chronic condition, the same does not mean, that you will have to avoid every activity you enjoy, once you contract it. You can have the same amount of fun, provided, that you take certain precautions. Remember, if you have diabetes, you cannot ignore the precautions, nor do you need to get bogged down completely by them.


kerana aku wanita
pandangan Adam mampu tembus ke dasar hatiku

kerana aku wanita
ingin disayangi itu fitrah diriku

kerana aku wanita
mudah terpikat dengan keindahan akhlak seorang lelaki

kerana aku wanita
emosiku selalu mengatasi logik akalku

kerana aku wanita
air mata teman setiaku

kerana aku wanita
sensitivitiku terhadap sesuatu amat tinggi


kerana aku wanita
aku damba pertolongan darimu Adam

peliharalah bicaramu denganku
jangan bermain kata denganku
takut rosak hatiku

kerana aku wanita
akhlakmu ukuran dimataku

peliharalah akhlakmu dan imanmu
jangan kau burukkan darjatmu pada mataku
takut rosak thiqohmu

kerana aku wanita
maka peliharalah susunan kata-katamu

kerana aku mudah terasa
namun aku bukan lemah
sekadar ingin kau tahu hati ini mudah tercalar

kerana aku wanita
peliharalah dirimu dari mencemuhku

saat titisan jernih mengalir dari mataku
kerana itu cara untukku
meluahkan perasaanku
supaya hatiku tenang kembali

kerana aku wanita
aku memang sangat peka

maka fahamilah kecerewetanku ada sebabnya


kalau kau sangka berpakaian selekeh itu 'cool',
hakikatnya kau begitu jelek pada pandangan kami.

andai kau rasa 'usha' itu tanda kejantanan,
darjat mu telah jatuh pada pandangan kami

jika kau fikir hidup membelakangkan agama itu kemodenan,
maka tiada lagi hormat untukmu dari kami.